• Abu Bakr The Reaction Of Imam Ali to the Tribal Logic of Saqifa [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 97-112]

  • Audience Pattern of Relationship with Opponents during the Imam Ali (AS) (A Case Study of Nahjolbalaghe Sermons and Letters) [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 123-148]


  • Content analysis Pattern of Relationship with Opponents during the Imam Ali (AS) (A Case Study of Nahjolbalaghe Sermons and Letters) [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 123-148]


  • Imam Ali (AS) Pattern of Relationship with Opponents during the Imam Ali (AS) (A Case Study of Nahjolbalaghe Sermons and Letters) [Volume 8, Issue 16, 2017, Pages 123-148]


  • Jahili Supremacy The Reaction Of Imam Ali to the Tribal Logic of Saqifa [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 97-112]


  • Key words:Imam Ali The Reaction Of Imam Ali to the Tribal Logic of Saqifa [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 97-112]


  • Saqifa The Reaction Of Imam Ali to the Tribal Logic of Saqifa [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 97-112]

  • Strategy of forbearance The Reaction Of Imam Ali to the Tribal Logic of Saqifa [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 97-112]


  • Tribal logic The Reaction Of Imam Ali to the Tribal Logic of Saqifa [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 97-112]