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1 Faculty member at the University of Kashan

2 quranic sciences faculty of meybod

3 associate professor, department of counseling, faculty of humanities & social sciences, Ardakan university, Ardakan, Iran


Understanding the attitudes and conceptions of any person about himself or herself, which is known as "self-concept", is a fundamental and psychological structure in the lifestyle and has a profound impact on one's intellectual and social growth and development and on his or her education and training. In a way that the root of all human actions and behaviors traces back to his or her self-concept and the more intrinsic value and validity of the human being, the less influenced by external factors. On the contrary, many people are captured and imprisoned in their negative perceptions. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the sermons, letters, and aphorism of Nahj ul-Balagha with a descriptive-analytical approach, relying on the strategy of "Data Theory" to gain Imam Ali’s self-conception in relation to others. One can find, from what is gathered from his remarks in Nahj ul-Balagha on this topic, a good criterion to validate the accuracy of the claims of opponents and supporters who exaggerate. This helps us to be creative, efficient and self-actualized and be aware of our intrinsic nature and personality by introducing the unknown aspects of his personality to adhere his way and method, and by describing him as a person who presented the most successful and most effective educational method.


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