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1 PhD Student of Islamic History, Baqir al-Olum University

2 Assistant Proffesor, esearch Institute of Hawzah and University


The present study, with the purpose of revealing Imam Ali’s tactfulness in dealing with security crises, aims to answer this question: “What is Imam Ali’s model of confrontation with security crises according to the text of Nahj al-Balagha?” To find the answer to this question, data were first gathered from the text of Nahj al-Balagha using a library research method. Then, through a grounded theory research method and applying different stages of coding, 44 categories were obtained. The categories were then linked around a central category and eventually formed into a model. The findings of this study show that Imam Ali considers factors such as damage to morality, religion and economy, inefficiency, corruption, suspicions, weakening the popular base of the government, and the enemies’ efforts as the causes of security crises; and that to control such crises, the government should adopt strategies that rely on religion to reform the government and society. The behavior of the agents should be controlled and the political system under a unified leadership should strive to create lasting peace and maintain integrity and efficiency. At the same time, the system should commit itself to accountability and transparency with people, and, through the proper doing of duties and meritocracy, should pay attention to the growth and development, and the attainment of public consent. Also, while educating and warning the people, it should inform the society with continuous enlightenment so that they will be prepared to face the crisis. If the crisis leads to a confrontation, the system should act step by step, and eventually punish the enemies and traitors. In all these cases, the government is obliged to put morality and religion as the basis of its actions.


Creswell, J. W. (2005). Educatinal research: Planing, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitatative Research (2 edition).