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Assistant professor. Shahid Beheshti University. Institute for Science and Technology Studies


One of the important issues in many Muslim countries is to achieve a model of development and progress in accordance with the religious and cultural presuppositions of those countries. Since Islam has a different view of human and his wishes, it has provided comprehensive guidelines on many issues for the growth and development of humanity. Accordingly, the sayings and teachings of the infallible Imams (as) are the origin and stimulus of many of the thought structures suggesting the reform of economic systems. The present study, adopting a descriptive-analytical approach, aims to identify and explain the components of economic development and progress in the tradition of the Imams (as). The study is an applied one in terms of purpose, and the method is descriptive and of survey type in terms of data collection. In this study, first, through a content analysis, the components of economic development and progress were identified in light of the guidelines of the Imams (as) as taken from the book Mafatih al-Hayat; then, the primary codes were analyzed and reviewed several times using the MAXQDA software, and 131 components were identified. The fuzzy Delphi technique was then used to test the results. Finally, 13 basic themes of economic development and progress were identified form the data set.


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