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Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences Department of Guilan University


The present study, adopting a descriptive-analytical approach, looks at the second chapter of the book “The Charismatic Community: Shi’ite Identity in Early Islam”, and criticizes the methodology of its author, Maria Dakake, in understanding the hadith of Ghadir. Her method of understanding has some strengths, including the effort to use reliable sources of the two sects in understanding the hadith of Ghadir, the attention given to the author of the book Al-Walaya, the emphasis on maintaining the integrity of the text of Ghadir hadith, the consideration of the role of social and religious requirements in quoting the narratives, and rational analysis in rejecting the meaning of love for Imam Ali (as). However, there are some weaknesses too, such as limiting the narrators of the hadith of Ghadir to civil people, lack of attention to the role of being executive in accepting the hadith, emphasis on the falsity of the hadiths containing the names of the Imams (as), and mistake in declaring the reason for issuing the hadith of Ghadir Khumm. The analysis of the drawbacks of Dakake’s method of understanding indicates her inaccurate understanding of the hadith of Ghadir, which is not unaffected by Sunni views disseminated in the scientific space of orientalists.


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