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One of the important issues in the human life and relationships is how to regulate behaviors in the area of political power and the principles and standards governing these relations especially in the area of command. Islam as the last divine religion and the holy prophet Mohammad (S) as the seal of prophets consider a lofty position for ethics and Amīr al-Mu'minīn (A.S) also mixing   two important subjects in the area of social life; that is ethics and politics, has given a clear image of the necessity of using ethics- based methods in the area of command in the political power. In fact the personality of Imam Ali (A.S) shaped by Islam and the prophet Mohammad (S) was an entirely ethical one who thought about nothing except reality. On the other hand, Amīr al-Mu'minīn (A.S) had completely noble beliefs about political ethics and for this reason we do not need any old or new political thinking on this issue.
The present research tries to examine briefly the most important components and criteria of this attitude from the viewpoint of Amir al-Mu'minīn (A.S).
