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1 Payamenoor University

2 Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Studies university

3 student /PayameNoor University


The use of Images to represent mental and internal affairs in many fields, including religious texts, has a long history. Nahj al-Balagha used various images to explain the meaning of life, one of which is "life as a journey". In this paper, this descriptive-analytical method is used to explain this notion in the inner human areas of cognition, emotion, and will. Cognitive components of the notion of travel include beliefs such as origin, resurrection, human status, route characteristics, travel guide, stages and processes of travel and its obstacles and difficulties. The emotional components of this notion include feelings such as enthusiasm, calm, hope, excellence, prosperity, self-esteem, dynamism, and value and finally it involves sincerity, opportunity, reversal, overcoming obstacles and sustainability in movement. The notion of travel image over other meaningful life concepts has two factors: 1) more power to represent the meaningful features of life and 2) its inclusion of such images as commerce, land, competition, and campaign that all have to do with Travel.


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