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Structuralism is a semantic science that analyzes the content of texts (including sacred texts), and in particular examines and analyzes the elements of stories and stories. The most effective way of expressing and conveying concepts and ideas is to narrate and visualize events in the form of a "story" that has many purposes. This study, in order to analyze the elements of one of the common stories in the Qur'an and Nahj al-Balagha, the story of the creation of Adam (AS), is organized by descriptive-analytical method, and by using partial methods of semiotic knowledge, the story of Adam's creation in the sermons Nahj al-Balagha is being investigated. The results of the research show that the plot of the sermons on the subject of Adam's creation is based on the cause-and-effect relationship, and the events of the story are closely related. The angle of view in the story is narrative. The characters in the story each have their own characteristics. The actions of the story occur on the two main axes of Satan and Adam, both of which disobey the divine command. There are conversations between the characters in the story that give the story a special artistic edge. Staging in two forms of time and place helps the reader's imagination to visualize the story. Each of the elements of the story play a specific educational purpose, ultimately fulfilling the main purpose of the story, namely the guidance dimension.

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