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1 student of Graduated Masters of public administration/ Payam Noor university of Tehran

2 Faculty member of PNU university / Payam Noor university of Tehran

3 Faculty member of PNU university/ Payam Noor university of Tehran


This research is based on the letters of Imam Ali (AS) in, Nahj al-Balaghah seeking to identify the indicators and characteristics of the servant leadership from his point of view, So its results will be the answer to the ambiguities regarding what the servant leadership .
The present research is aimed at a basic research with the strategy of the thematic analysis method and the thematic network. The findings of the study resulted in the identification of 3 dominant themes, 11 inclusive themes, 45 organizing themes, 119 the main themes and 87 sub themes. (The finding shows that from the point of view of Imam Ali) The results of the research indicated leadership is a category based on the three principles of wisdom, faith, and behavior. The practice and leadership behaviors also include six areas of God-centrism, reason-centrism, insight-centrism, moral-centrism, favor-centrism, and Procedure-centrism. The Leadership of the Imam Ali is the Leader of the Servant based on divine faith and divine episteme . Service and serving in his leadership method is a focal point in focusing on educating followers, especially leaders, managers and agents.


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