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Tutor of University, M.A. in History of Islam (the present article is taken from a study titled "Imam Ali (pbuh) and Jews of Hijaz) Performed for the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


In the first fifty years after the Hegira, Jews took various cultural actions and influenced the Islamic society as a whole. Jews political and social relations with Muslims and their relations with Arabs of Jazirat al-Arab on the one hand and public superficiality as well as inability of the first three Caliphs to provide an Islamic pattern on the other created a serious challenge to the Islamic culture, and drew public attention to the main figures among Jews. Because of making uses by Jews of this situation, the collective identity changed and the society proceeded toward conventionalism. Spread of superstitious ideas led to alteration in truths and changes in the cultural and social situation of the society; and this played an important role in cultural-social-political developments during the first 50 years after Hegira. To promote their own objectives, Jew politicians changed their own appearances and influenced the body of power. Providing materials required by tale-tellers, they influenced public opinions and the government.


