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Assistant Professor of Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem


Ali has been the most knowledgeable person to Holy Quran and interpretation and explanation of that divine book after the prophet(PBUH).He cited a variety of different fields of figh are kept on the verses that reflect the views of figh.
Ali (AS), according to narrationes had the various commentary ordinances and recommendations that refer to the commentary Books particularly, the validity of this claim is shown. Ali in his speech deal with to interpretation the verses that related to purity, prayer, Zakat (alms), Khoms (one fifth), Fasting, Hajj(pilgimageto mecca), and Jihad(holy war) that is not principal of Religin. In spit of, between the speechs of Ali deal with to some of the interpretational disscusions in some transactiones and contract like Loan, Will, Vow, Oath, Marriage, and Divorce.Imam Ali discussed to Foods and Drinkings, Succession, Hodood(Punishments, Gesas(retaliations, and Gasa(Judgement that is Jurisprudential matters. This article deal with to analyze and study of narrationes related to Ahkam injunction of Imam Ali.
