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1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Yazd Farhangian University, Yazd, Iran.

2 Yazd cultural lecturer


Compilation of books on the teaching of epistemic concepts, or Rasa'il's writings, to explain and answer the questions raised by the opposition, as well as writing works to guide the seekers of knowledge and to enumerate the motives and actions of the righteous ones, Sufism and theology have been Islamic mysticism. In this category of works, according to the author, as well as on the basis of his personal taste or religious beliefs, while presenting the basic topics of Sufism, usually the stories and sayings of the elders of Tariqat are also collected. In the meantime, the content and content of some of the mystical works has been devoted entirely to explaining the story and narration of the people of Tariqat. Alavulia's mention is one of the Persian mystics in the field of mysticism, in which Attar paid particular attention to the description of the elders and Sufi elders. One of the important themes and bases in Alawulia's mention is the expression of the Prophet Ali (as) and some of the Imams of the Prophet (pbuh). This explanation has led to the description of some of the intellectual and behavioral foundations of the elders in the text of the book. In fact, mystic and Sufi scholars have always considered the pattern of life and sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) as a solid example of their beliefs while following the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companion. In this article, Sima, Sire and the sayings of Imam Ali (AS), Imam Baqir (AS) and Imam Sadiq (AS) are reviewed and explained on the basis of al-Awliya's advice.


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