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Assistant Professor of Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Imam Ali (A.S.) described the ant and the grasshopper's magnificence of creation in sermon no. 227 of the Nahj al-Balagha and calls for thinking about their creation. Any entomologist or zoologist may ask himself about the accuracy of these statements, when reading these statements and who is the first one that described these insect such exact. Mentioning to some parts of ant's body, he tells us about the existence of ears on the head of ant. Historically, in the 1997, after discovering a stridulatory organ in an ant species, sound use for communication with together in the ants proved. But, his statement many years before beginning of the scientific study on this creature is a sign of his miracle. Afterwards, explaining the grasshopper's body, he pointed to the hidden ears in its body. Historically, I find it the first written notion of hearing in grasshoppers. This statement without any scientific study and many years before invention of worsening instruments is a sign of his miracle. More study on this sermon in the Nahj al-Balagha and other sermons may discover more miracles of Imam Ali (A.S.).


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