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1 Associate Professor, Arabic Language and Literature, Shiraz University

2 Member of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC)


Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) is an unrivalled figure whom many poets of various sects have admired. In this regard, Sunni poets are among the pioneers. If we search in panegyrics composed to admire the Commander of the Faithful, we will come to an ode composed by a not so well-known poet who, in spite of his talent and ability to compose sweet poems, has been ignored and no attention has been yet paid to him. Since this Iraqi poet lived in the Ottoman period and during the period of literary stagnation and has devoted his collection of poems to the Household (pbut) and in particular Imam Ali (pbuh), it is not so fair to introduce Burdah Busiri as the [only] eminent ode composer of that time. For the same reason, in the present article, the authors have tried to introduce 'Abdul Baqi al-Amari to the people of knowledge and literature, discuss themes wrought and style adopted by him in his 'Ayniyah ode and Imam Ali's profile in this ode.
