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1 Associate Professor of Quranic Sciences and Hadiths Dept, Sistan and Baluchestan University

2 Assistant Professor, Theology and Islamic Sciences, Qom University.


Knowledge of the methodologies of the Infallibles (pbut) and in particular that of Imam Ali (pbuh) as the inheritor of the Holy Prophet's (pbuh) knowledge will help us to make correct and systematic uses of the Holy Quran. Treating this point will appear as some very necessary undertaking if we know that a considerable number of hadiths of this Imam (pbuh) has been mentioned and referred to in interpretations made by Sunni scholars.
In a descriptive-library manner, at first, the present article extracts Imam Ali's interpretive hadiths from these sources and then goes to discuss their types and methodologies. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that in his valuable words, depending on the prevalent situation, the Imam (pbuh) has explained the Holy Quran in various ways among which are explanation of the Holy Quran by the Holy Quran, narrative and lexical methods, the method of making references to instances, and analogical explanation.
