Document Type : .


Assistant professor at Qom University


One of the important things carried out by the scholars in Sufism and Islamic mysticism was to write books in order to teach or to answer the questions raised by the disciples and, in general, to guide the researchers in the path of truth. In these books, the basic and practical discussions of mysticism as well as the life stories and the observations of the leaders in the path of truth would be compiled in accordance with interest of the respective authors. Kashful Mahjoub by Hajviri Ghaznavi is the first volume on various aspects of mysticism in Farsi. In fact, this book is an encyclopedia, including mystic discussions, basics, ideas, and terminology compiled by the author. Hajviri was a practicing scholar and a learned man. One of the important and underlying subjects in his book is the practices and statements of Imams that are provided along with the description of the holy character of those great people. In fact, the mystics would set the life, practices, and statements of the Prophet and the companions, especially Ahlul Bayt, as their model.
This paper deals with the character, practices, and statements of Ahlul Bayt – from Imam Ali (AS) to Imam Sadigh (AS) – and the resultant spiritual benefits.
