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Faculty member at the Faculty of Law and political Sciences, Shiraz University


To understand the pivotal issue of justice in western philosophy, one needs to have a thorough understanding of great thinkers such as Plato. At the heart of Plato’s philosophy lies the notion of utopia which is based on an ideal society in which justice is practiced, and it serves to act as a model for his ideological world or the world of Ideas. Since, the theory of justice proposed by Plato possesses a great deal of drawbacks, the present study attempts to compare it with the justice of Imam Ali (Peace be upon Him), as reflected in his deeds and thoughts. The notions of Imam Ali (Peace be upon Him)  are greater than any notions belonging to scholars such as Plato who are subject to error and sin. This study displays the Alavid model for justice which is free from any sort of drawbacks and is far greater and practical than those of Plato because Imam Ali’s model is based on divine faith and sacred roots. Imam Ali’s model is tangible, justifiable and based on Shariat and it contains tools and devices which make justice possible and show the path to salvation.
This salvation is achievable and possible through following good deeds and positive acts which turn into the behavior of believers and followers of Imam Ali (Peace be upon Him). Alavid justice is not just a preaching and a monologue and rather it is against injustice and despotism of any sort because it is ultimately based on divine Shariat of Islam. Contrary to individualistic and manly basis of Platonic justice, this kind of justice has social justice and considerations. Based on Alavid justice, it is possible to be promoted in the social hierarchical order on the basis of meritocracy and exercising what is ordered in the Shariat of Islam.
