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Faculty member of Āzarbayejan Taribiyat Moallem [Teacher Traning] University


Talking about the great and lofty personality of the lord of the believers, Imam Ali (peace be upon Him) and introducing that great man is very difficult for anyone and it must be admitted that it is not only difficult but also impossible. Only those can talk about Imam Ali (peace be upon Him) who have a thorough understanding of his personality and his great character. In the whole world, except for Allah and the prophet (peace be upon Him), no one can be found who could claim to have proper knowledge and understanding to describe Imam Ali (Peace be upon Him), as the prophet (peace be upon Him) himself stated “… no one would know thee except for me and Allah” and he also stated “… [Ali] has a right that no one except for Allah and I would ever know.” Such great statements about Ali and this hadith which goes “Ali is with the Qurān and the Qurān is with Ali” must be considered in this regard. This statement signifies two great characteristic and lofty positions which belong to Imam Ali (peace be upon Him) first the companionship of Ali (Peace be upon Him) with the Qurān and the companionship of the Qurān with Ali (Peace be upon Him). Considering the importance of this Hadith, the writer of this paper attempts to explain it.
The author discusses the companionship of Ali (peace be upon Him) and the Qurān and then investigates the roots of this Hadith in both Shiite and Sunni traditions. This study deals with this companionship from different perspectives such as the word and the expression of companionship and then deals with companionship in various worlds. The paper states that the companionship of Ali and the Qurān can be both in this world and the next world. After discussing the companionship in this world and explaining some aspects of it such as: the companionship of Ali and the Qurān in guidance of people, the companionship of Ali and the Qurān as supporters of each other, the companionship of Ali and the Qurān as the indicators of one another, the unity of Ali and the Qurān in reference, the companionship by relation in a way that the Qurān is the guardian and the Imam (Peace be upon Him) is the guarded. The relation between the Imam and the Qurān is like the relation between the identifier and the identified, and finally Ali (Peace be upon Him) and the Qurān can only be known and understood by using both of them.
