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Faculty member of Āzarbayejan Taribiyat Moallem [Teacher Traning] University


Interpreting the Qurān on the basis of  tradition or Sunnah comes next to interpreting it on the basis of the Qurān itself. It is believed that a true and perfect exegesis of the Qurān can only be possible when both the traditions and the verses of the Qurān are employed for better interpretation of each verse. The Qurān’s legitimacy and its truthfulness are certain because it is the word of Allah. However, the legitimacy and truthfulness of the traditions or Sunnat are certified in the Qurān. Since, it is impossible to understand the exegetic interpretations of the Qurān solely on the basis of the Qurān itself, it becomes necessary to refer to the household of the prophet and the Sunnat or traditions of both the prophet and the Imams to interpret the Qurān. The household of the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon Them) and the prophet himself form the basic source for the interpretation of the Qurān. However, in this study. the writer attempts to investigate the hidiths or the traditions stated  by Imam Ali (Peace be upon Him) that have been told to Imam Ali (Peace be upon Him) by the prophet (Peace be upon Him). These hadiths are very helpful in the interpretation of the Qurān and they can be divided into the following categories:
1. Interpreting the Qurān on the basis of meanings of the verses.
2. Explaining the meanings of the words and expressions and expressing the purposes behind them.
3. Expressing the significations of the verses (including the exclusive significations, their perfect ones, and each one of them).
4. Thorough explanations and expressing the Qurānic stories.
5. Expressing the essence of the verses.
6. Expressing the occasion of the revelation of the verse.
7. Expressing historical matters and predicting the future.
8. Adaptation and comparison.
9. Analogy and parables.
