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Imam Ali’s Mus'haf, which is a codex of the sublime Qur’an dictated by the Prophet (A) and written by Imam Ali (A), is one of the precious sources of Shia Imams’ knowledge. The validity of Mus'haf has been confirmed in both Shia and Sunni references. Shia scholars believe that the content of the available Mus'haf is different from Imam Ali’s Mus'haf in terms of the order of chapters and a few of verses and their esoteric interpretation. However, some contemporary scholars believe that there is no difference between the available Mus'haf and the sublime Qur’an in order of verses and chapters; nonetheless, Imam Ali’s Mus'haf contains esoteric interpretation of verses and the occasions or circumstances of their revelation. The present study presents the content of the Mus'haf and the viewpoints held by Shia and Sunni scholars, and suspicions voiced by the Wahhabis in denying the existence of Mus'haf. Next, different views of Shia scholars on the order of chapters and verses in Imam Ali’s Mus'haf will be critiqued. While critiquing some views that reduce the dissimilarities to the order of chapters and verses, we argue that the views of contemporary scholars could be appraised as more credible.
