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Over centuries the history of Islam has encountered a variety of crises as well as deviating uproars and tumults. Imam Ali (A) in his collection of sermons in NahjulBalagha has frequently clarified such issues to shed light on hidden aspects of various types of trials (Fitna) and unveil them. In the present study, through extracting Imam’s statements, we seek to analyze the accurate descriptions and elucidations of these trials (Fitna), the grounds for their emergence, their consequences and repercussions as well as the strategies recommended by the Imam in confronting them. Imam Ali states that the main causes of trials (Fitna) are following carnal desires, weakness in religious beliefs, and imprudent involvement in suspicious issues; whose murky atmosphere would lead to amalgamation of rights and wrongs and misleading the individuals. To confront such seditions, he emphasizes the importance ofresorting to Qur’anic teachings, avoiding haste, and acting vigilantly. 
