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Divine names and attributes are of crucial importance regarding human relation with God, and other issues like beliefs and the act of speaking to the lord of universe.  The semantic aspect of the issue has been of great attention in religion philosophy. It seeks to explain how divine attributes should be recognized and how they are related to human attributes. The sublime Qur’an and holy Imams’ narrations contain significant and profound concepts which could be employed in meeting these challenges. The present study, through employing content analysis,explores the approach taken by the sublime Qur’an and Imam Ali (A)concerning the divine names and attributes. From the viewpoint of the sublime Qur’an and Imam Ali’s narrations, we encounter the two issues of tashbih and ta'til denials. In ta’til denial, we are guided to Godvia His creation and God presents Himself to mankind by means of nature and describesHimself through His acts and annihilation of deficiencies. In  tashbih denial,  due to contradictions between the creator and the creatures and unimaginable nature of God, any descriptions offered by the creatures is unacceptable since erroneous means would lead to taking over God, disintegration, enumeration,restriction, assimilation and image-making of God
