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As literary texts have different layers, they are open to various political, social and cultural interpretations and readings. The main purpose of orators is to persuade their audience.Thus, orators must be familiar with intra-textual factors (residing inside language) and situational factors (residing outside language), such as social, political, and cultural factors, in order to be able to employ them for their audience persuasion. Imam Ali’s “Blaming the People of Basra” is one of his beautiful and impressive orations which was conducted after Jamal battle in Basra Mosque. This oration is replete with reprimanding people of Basrafor breaking their promise when they hypocritically rebelled and obeyed some unaware elites. In this article, after introducing the influential features of this oration, its textual and situational contexts are analyzed. One of the major findings is showing the literary aesthetics of this oration regarding its content analysis, and affirmation of the existing harmony between the oration’s discourse and its cultural, social, and political situations beyond its surface.
