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One of the best ways of understanding religion is to determine the role and status of reason in religiousknowledgeregarding faith, morality, theology, and law. This issue has been posed in religiousstudies for attraction and persuasion of younger generation. In our survey of Imam Ali’s speeches and sayings, as the true commentatorof the religion, we encounter propositions in which reason is divided into types; theoretical reason and practical reason. Accordingly, reason in sense of “perception and understanding” can both understand the generalities and recognize the goodness as well as the badness of human beings’ behaviors and actions.In Alavi doctrine, not only has the credibility of reason been approved alongside narration but also there are plenty of philosophical, rhetorical, moral, and theological explications in Imam Ali’s speech which illustrate how different levels of reason lead to our perception and admission of religionin all its moral, theological,and jurisprudential aspects. The primary role of reason is perception of truism and approved facts. Next is the role it plays in discerning discrepancies in religious beliefs, perceivingthe underlying causes and philosophy of decrees, the strength and the articulation of moral codes and their agreement with human norms and commonalities, the solidarity,  unity and consensus of majority of intellectuals, and admission of accredited opinions.
