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1 Associate Professor of the Arabic Language and Literature at the University o/ Shiraz, Iran

2 Corresponding Author: MA in the Arabic Language and Literature, University /Shiraz, Iran


The style of a literary work is the defining factor that distinguishes one work from another. Writers employ various techniques to make their work impressionable for the audience, therefore, stylistic research, is one of the methods used to identify the characteristics of a literary piece, and define the artistic criteria of the works based on linguistics and literary or intellectual features. The Book of Nahj al-Balaghah, is amongst the texts that refers to various subjects and each of these topics have their own relevant style and method, the identification of which will only add to the importance of the book.
The present article strives to investigate the literary stylistics of Imam Ali’s remonstrations in Nahjal-Blaghah. In order to obtain said objective, the article first describes the denotation and proverbial meaning of stylistics, then moves to investigate the stylistics of Imam Ali’s remonstrations, in a descriptive-analytic method, based on the five axis proposed by the book “Methods of Rhetoric Miracles in the Holy Qur'an” (lexis selection, order, rhythm,  expansion, and imagery).
The study reveals that, where applicable, Imam Ali employs the most effective terminology in his remonstrations and utilizes emotional imagery in the form of simile to communicate abstract concepts. In general, Imam Ali actively employs the five axis of stylistics in the best manner to elicit the most effective response in the audience.


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